Whether you would like to talk through specifics for your loved ones plan, or you are disagreeing with your spouse on the next step forward, having Danny in your corner to hold the blood and spit bucket is where he does his best work. Danny works selectively with those who have completed the Living Proof Process and would like his personalized support.
Every family member brings different opinions and approaches to the family dynamic which makes moving forward unitedly feel impossible. Danny offers family coaching exclusively for those who are enrolled in or have completed the Living Proof Process, who would like to bring additional family members together in one larger session to receive his guidance and support.
Having layers of support is a critical component to long term success in recovery. Danny has created an exclusive support group, facilitated by him, for those who have completed their inpatient care, and who want to continue healing, growing, and becoming the best version of themselves through a support group full of like minded individuals. Danny motivates, inspires, and guides this group with his tactile and real life experience approach.
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